Herd animals can be taken by the crocodile at the watering hole …

Thank You Holy Spirit for this Idea ; Frankly I am not that good …
You’ve seen it before ; the African nature program showing herd animals coming to drink at a water hole . The young ones especially trot right down to the water. The older animals often approach more warily . The next thing you know , a crocodile has one by the neck , aided by concealment in stained , muddy water . Actually , something like this happens in church too often these days ! I’ve stepped in this ! For the church is our watering hole , and false doctrine is muddying the waters . Not Holy Spirit water ; but the water of the Word ! The kind of crocodiles I’m talking about – demons – love this particular kind of set – up !
ADDENDUM 9/17/17
I have stirred things up . Since publishing this post , the attacks of the enemy have increased . In a word , the warfare has been vicious . It looks like crocodile does not like being exposed and poked in the eye ! More prayer . More armor . More angels . Praise God . Please pray for me . Thanks .
I was in the jaws of the crocodile ; vulnerable to attack due to double – mindedness , a spirit of offense , a religious tradition rather than Truth , and lack of proper diligence in the Word . Attacked by an enemy who works long to develop leverage to get a Saint to undo himself . Giving that kind of power to the enemy allowed him to drag me under to the event horizon of damnation , where I stayed submerged minus the Spirit for four months of horror before resurfacing . I had left God barely enough room to restore me . Otherwise , I would be lost again forever . It didn’t help that I had not recognized how stained the water was in my doctrine . The enemy loves to muddy the waters ! What water is this ? Let’s look at Eph 5:25 – 26 .
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
Also John 15 : 3
3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
And John 17:17
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
Washed by The Word as though by water !
It’s best when the water of The Word is clear and pure , just as God gave it ! But the false , muddy , doctrine of Once Saved , Always Saved ( OSAS ) is rampant in much of the church , released by a crafty enemy and aided by those who will not endure sound doctrine . Or by those willing to be told what to believe without doing due diligence as a good Berean ! Or by those who prefer a private interpretation of scripture to suit their own emotions ! Be sure , that old crocodile , satan , is watching for any such opportunity ! For an ambush predator is an opportunist ! And the crocodile does his best work in muddy water ! Especially at night , and the times are DARK ! That kind of doctrine can lead to some dangerous places for vulnerable Saints ! Places like this right here !

How Do We Remove Muddiness From the Water Consumed by the Church ?
We do this in the Soteriology debate by promoting a circumspect view of hamartiology / sin typology that balances the whole counsel of God to distinguish between sin not unto death vs. sin unto death . This requires intellectual honesty ; a willingness to sincerely examine in detail BOTH sides of an issue without bias . I examined one side of this issue by being a lousy Berean with a religious tradition . I examined the OTHER side of this issue by almost going to hell . Now , OSAS rationales strike me as light and shallow in the sin typology – hamartiology arena . Irrelevant , in fact . See this post for detail on sin unto death .

Un – staining the water in our churches is tantamount to shining a light on the battle field bright enough to burn away the fog of war . The enemy can now be stripped naked before the Saint of God . Thus equipped , the Saint will find it almost impossible to go to hell unless he decides he wants to go there ! The ability of the enemy to attack thus will be severely encumbered !

And How Can We Properly Readjust OSAS Mantras for the Deceived ?

Please see various posts on this blog for more details ! And fortify others ! No reason for a spirit of fear or condemnation . No salvation by works ; just reasonable loving maintenance of the goodly gift that God gave you , like Adam was given responsibility in Gen 2:15 ; your salvation process complete in spirit , still being completed in soul and yet to be completed in body . So, abide remaining in His Love ( John 15:1-10 ). Make your calling and election sure ( 2 Pet 1:10 ) . And keep the doctrine ( 1 Tim 4: 16 ) , for in doing so you will save yourself as Paul told Timothy ! You need not lift a finger to do this . Not by works ! But rather use your mind and heart to overcome the potential for killing sin unto death ! Deny that SIN , not Christ !
Maranatha !