Losing Salvation : Discern the Burn

Losing Salvation
Salvation’s Last Thread

Keep telling others about this blog !  You will save lives !  Rob the Jaws of HELL !

Hi , folks .  I almost burned . After knowing the Lord about 40 years , I made almost the worst mis – step anyone ever could . Double – minded , ignorant , and hanging on to a spirit of offense , I lost the Holy Spirit for 4 months of horror . My testimony is at the bottom of this page .  May I tell you that Saints speak a half – truth when some say that ” with God , sin is sin “.  Yes , sin really IS sin .  But to say it as though all sin reduces down to the same , rotten sludge is pure demon dribble .  I found out the HARD WAY that there is a proper typology to sin. That salvation can be destroyed by a Saint. That there are risk factors . We have free will !  Or else we bear NO responsibility for our sin .  There is a type of sin , even for Saints , that puts God in a bind where He can only judge !  Read herein to explore just what exactly accounts for this dynamic . Those who know definitely that they have lost Holy Spirit should look here for restoration advice .  I learned the HARD WAY by getting ONE FOOT ONLY over the line with God . I said something unwise that was NOT actually my heart . If it had been my heart , I would be in hell now .   The hope is that others with risk factors and vulnerabilities can be alerted before they are enticed, deceived , or goaded by the devil into destroying themselves. There is NO place for a spirit of fear or condemnation in the life of an abiding child of God .  Rather , God wants us EDUCATED and He wants us SAFE , because he wants us FOREVER !  We must overcome the potential  for commission of unforgivable sin ;  it does not require so much as lifting a finger !  NOT salvation by works ,  but proper , responsible , informed use of free human  will !  For even Adam in his original perfection had responsibility  in the garden of eden in Genesis 2:15 !  It’s time for any interested to  know all about …

The Quiet Holocaust in the Church

A Foot Soldier's Response
Tell Them – For the Love of God and His Saints !

Let’s get busy plugging the horrific hole in the back of the church . Repair the breach !  The hour is desperately late ; the losses are breath – taking .  Warn, educate, alert, edify, and fortify the saints .  Amen .

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Explicit Dynamics of Unforgivable Sin

Unforgivable sin is possible for ANY human .  Those in hell wish they had understood all about this BEFORE getting there !  I  almost went to hell .  No joke !  I barely left God enough room to restore me .  After God taught me a LARGE lesson  , He took me to school in writing this blog .   There remains a responsibility to share things learned so others may benefit .  Being fortified , let us fortify others .  God deserves to keep ALL of His kids !  How can we characterize the dynamics of unforgivable sin ?   What is the essence of this kind of sin , and why can’t God do anything with it but to judge it ?  We need to look at things from His point of view as best we can , for He cannot deny Himself , and there are two sides to THAT coin !

God can only judge unforgivable sin
When Judgment is the Only Option

God hates  issuing judgment that sends souls made in His Beautiful Image into eternal fire . But , sin that creates just this kind of impasse with God is possible for both saints and the lost , and even for angels !  For humans there are two general types  of sin !  And the devil does NOT want people knowing about  THAT !  The believers of OSAS take note :  Shallowness in Hamartiology ( the study of sin ) tends towards error in Soteriology ( the study of salvation ) !   That’s how I was …

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Christians and Killing Sin Unto Death : Several Pathways

I was raised in a denomination that routinely teaches Once Saved , Always Saved ( OSAS ) .  I believed it for many years .  And then I almost went to hell .  How can we summarize the several ways that a Christian really could  destroy their own salvation process by sin unto death if unwise or deceived ?  Our entire being is not completely saved until we stand before Him !  God cannot give His grace in any circumstance that would require Him to become a liar to do so !

Avoiding Sin Unto Death
Turn Neither Left Nor Right


We were saved in our spirits . We are being saved in our souls . We shall be saved in our bodies . We shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is !  ( 1 John 3:2 )  Once a Saint realizes that OSAS rationales all fail the hamartiology  ( Study of Sin )  test ,  how can we simplify killing sin unto death ? The wages of sin are death , and the Saint who profanes The Blood from the heart loses access to that Blood . The seal of the Spirit cannot function in an individual who is no longer eligible for The Blood .  I will refer the reader to other posts on this blog for details .  Clarity in hamartiology  ( sin typology )  is best realized in properly balancing 1 John 5:16

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Satanic Deception on the Allegory of the Vine and Branches

There is an OSAS  ( Once Saved , Always Saved )  rendering of the allegory of the Vine and the branches that could just as easily come straight from the serpent’s mouth .  Lie begets lie !

The Vine and the Branches
The Vine and the Branches

What kind of Satanic poison can we find in this false rendering when we shine the Word of God through it ?  Are there any inclusions in this devilish gem ! ?  You better believe it !!!

Continue reading “Satanic Deception on the Allegory of the Vine and Branches”
