How do you take your comfort ? Stirred , Shaken , Straight , or Slanted ? I like mine straight or stirred . I don’t care for slanted . I might take a tumble , then I would be shaken ! Jesus went back up to heaven so that He could send us the Comforter . The Holy Spirit living in us .
Comfort on a Slant

We love comfort . We crave it . As Christians, we especially love the comfort of the Presence of the Holy Spirit . We live in a world where much is uncertain . We see things happening to people around us . Those we have known, or heard about . How sweet the seeming assurance that salvation can never be lost under any circumstances ! Music to our ears . Comfort to our souls . Eternal security here and now, as though we were already standing before Him .
I say, rather, that true comfort comes from knowing the limits and boundaries all – around, circumspectly . From knowing what will hurt me and under what circumstances . From knowing that nobody can make me use my free will to ever make a decision to violate any boundary in my heart or mind . That there is no boogey man , no Thing in the closet or Thing under the bed that can take my salvation . No demon from hell . For I am in control of that . That is comfort .
It turns out that the enemy is ever more deceitful and always plays dirty pool . You see, the perfect bait for the OSAS trap is ….. COMFORT . False security . For in that zone, the enemy can lay a spiritual mine field for the christian at risk . The christian beset by the Deadly Factors . Things that the enemy has worked hard to position in the life of one targeted . Strongholds and bondages . Deceit.
If faith without works is dead, being alone … then how much more dead is the counterfeit faith of presumption , for some leading to killing sin ?
Counterfeit , false faith. Presumption .
Counterfeit, false grace . Hyper – grace .
Counterfeit, false doctrine . Once saved, always saved . Future sins automatically forgiven .
Counterfeit comfort ; false security .
All comforting .
Such sweet decoys on the spiritual battlefield .
There has never been a time when it was more important to speak the truth in love . For the Church of Laodicea is swelling greatly . Men are not enduring sound doctrine . They are surrounding themselves with teachers that tickle their itching ears . For some, these sensations lead to losing salvation . Sleep, sleep . Much of the church slumbers on .