Keep telling others about this blog ! You will save lives ! Rob the Jaws of HELL !
Hi , folks . I almost burned . After knowing the Lord about 40 years , I made almost the worst mis – step anyone ever could . Double – minded , ignorant , and hanging on to a spirit of offense , I lost the Holy Spirit for 4 months of horror . My testimony is at the bottom of this page . May I tell you that Saints speak a half – truth when some say that ” with God , sin is sin “. Yes , sin really IS sin . But to say it as though all sin reduces down to the same , rotten sludge is pure demon dribble . I found out the HARD WAY that there is a proper typology to sin. That salvation can be destroyed by a Saint. That there are risk factors . We have free will ! Or else we bear NO responsibility for our sin . There is a type of sin , even for Saints , that puts God in a bind where He can only judge ! Read herein to explore just what exactly accounts for this dynamic . Those who know definitely that they have lost Holy Spirit should look here for restoration advice . I learned the HARD WAY by getting ONE FOOT ONLY over the line with God . I said something unwise that was NOT actually my heart . If it had been my heart , I would be in hell now . The hope is that others with risk factors and vulnerabilities can be alerted before they are enticed, deceived , or goaded by the devil into destroying themselves. There is NO place for a spirit of fear or condemnation in the life of an abiding child of God . Rather , God wants us EDUCATED and He wants us SAFE , because he wants us FOREVER ! We must overcome the potential for commission of unforgivable sin ; it does not require so much as lifting a finger ! NOT salvation by works , but proper , responsible , informed use of free human will ! For even Adam in his original perfection had responsibility in the garden of eden in Genesis 2:15 ! It’s time for any interested to know all about …
The Quiet Holocaust in the Church

Let’s get busy plugging the horrific hole in the back of the church . Repair the breach ! The hour is desperately late ; the losses are breath – taking . Warn, educate, alert, edify, and fortify the saints . Amen .
Continue reading “Losing Salvation : Discern the Burn”