Losing Salvation : Discern the Burn

Losing Salvation
Salvation’s Last Thread

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Hi , folks .  I almost burned . After knowing the Lord about 40 years , I made almost the worst mis – step anyone ever could . Double – minded , ignorant , and hanging on to a spirit of offense , I lost the Holy Spirit for 4 months of horror . My testimony is at the bottom of this page .  May I tell you that Saints speak a half – truth when some say that ” with God , sin is sin “.  Yes , sin really IS sin .  But to say it as though all sin reduces down to the same , rotten sludge is pure demon dribble .  I found out the HARD WAY that there is a proper typology to sin. That salvation can be destroyed by a Saint. That there are risk factors . We have free will !  Or else we bear NO responsibility for our sin .  There is a type of sin , even for Saints , that puts God in a bind where He can only judge !  Read herein to explore just what exactly accounts for this dynamic . Those who know definitely that they have lost Holy Spirit should look here for restoration advice .  I learned the HARD WAY by getting ONE FOOT ONLY over the line with God . I said something unwise that was NOT actually my heart . If it had been my heart , I would be in hell now .   The hope is that others with risk factors and vulnerabilities can be alerted before they are enticed, deceived , or goaded by the devil into destroying themselves. There is NO place for a spirit of fear or condemnation in the life of an abiding child of God .  Rather , God wants us EDUCATED and He wants us SAFE , because he wants us FOREVER !  We must overcome the potential  for commission of unforgivable sin ;  it does not require so much as lifting a finger !  NOT salvation by works ,  but proper , responsible , informed use of free human  will !  For even Adam in his original perfection had responsibility  in the garden of eden in Genesis 2:15 !  It’s time for any interested to  know all about …

The Quiet Holocaust in the Church

A Foot Soldier's Response
Tell Them – For the Love of God and His Saints !

Let’s get busy plugging the horrific hole in the back of the church . Repair the breach !  The hour is desperately late ; the losses are breath – taking .  Warn, educate, alert, edify, and fortify the saints .  Amen .

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Losing Salvation and the Seal of the Spirit

The Seal of the Spirit
The Keys to Maintaining the Seal

What keeps a seal sticking to something ?  Why does the Seal of the Spirit stick to Saints  ?  Seals adhere.  They stick .  They stay .  Unless removed or broken , or if something causes the stickiness to be degraded.  What is it that causes the Seal of the Holy Spirit to adhere to the Christian ?  The Spirit being present within IS the Seal .  Does the Seal stick to my corrupt , mortal human flesh ?  No .  The Spirit has no affinity for corruption .  Does the Seal of the Spirit stick to my sin or iniquity ?  Silly . Again , NO .  What does the bible say about the seal of the Spirit ?

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Peter Speaks About Losing Salvation

Salvation Exchanged for Mire
The Sow that was Washed Returned to Mire : A Simple Foot Washing Will Not Help This …

The Apostle Peter has written one of the most impactful statements about the potential loss of salvation in the whole Bible .  And from where I have been , my eyes are wide open these days .

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Nearly Losing Salvation : Warning to the Misinformed

I Think I Lost My Salvation

Nearly Losing Salvation :  Fear of the Lord Preferable to the Terror of the Lord

Spring, 2015

I have a responsibility to tell this if any would listen. I have no right not to try . First, let me say that Jesus is my Lord and Savior . That He is my God and that I am of the born – again, evangelical Christian faith , indwelt by the Holy Spirit . But not with so much of His Presence as I once had . For I have damaged that fine and wonderful state. Happily , I am being restored after several horrifying months , nearly losing salvation .

Nearly Losing Salvation
Salvation’s last thread

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Restoring Salvation : Aid for the Near Loss of Salvation

In peril of losing all
In peril of losing all

People who get to the point of being within a hair’s breadth of losing salvation will know soon that something is horribly wrong .  Worse for those who really lose it all the way . Losing Holy Spirit will bring a Saint to a loss of status and the exact point of Hebrews 10: 27 – 28 . I want to point out that in my own situation,  the real trauma happened after I read up on scripture and realized what I had done .  There followed months of horrific spiritual and emotional distress .  I had no assurance whatsoever that I would be restored .  And yet, by the grace of God , it happened . I had left God only the most minimal room to restore me .   I am still convinced over a year later that if I had died during this time, I would be in hell .  The following are some pointers that helped me in restoring salvation : Continue reading “Restoring Salvation : Aid for the Near Loss of Salvation”


Unforgiveness and Blaspheming the Holy Spirit Beyond the Grave

Those who Blaspheme the Holy Spirit
Those who Blaspheme the Holy Spirit

I crossed the line with God, with one foot only .  I learned things in that place .  This vessel marred upon the Potter’s wheel , now re – formed to another purpose .  I know how the enemy destroys the salvation of the Christian .  And the Holy Spirit is still talking .  Brothers and Sisters , let’s have a little fire – side chat .  I would like to get more detailed about exactly what the sin of willing , overt , unrepentant unforgiveness will do to a christian if carried beyond the grave .  But remember, God certainly knows the faithfully struggling saint , struggling in good faith to obey against inhuman things they have suffered, making faithful progress ,  without being super human themselves . He is not out to ” get us .”

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A Quick Proof that Losing Salvation is Possible

Almost Losing Salvation
At end of salvation’s rope


For those Christians who believe that losing salvation is impossible , consider this :  If a Christian cannot use their free will to quit their faith , then remaining a Christian is compulsory upon conversion . The free will would cease to exist .  If that is so, then how can one be accountable for any sin ?  There are even Christians who believe that they can no longer really sin .  They point to the following scripture :

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OSAS Train Wreck on a Popular Rapture Website

The OSAS Train Wreck
The OSAS Train Wreck

Recently, there have been a couple posts at a popular rapture website that show the degree of OSAS blindness and deafness to the circumspect, balanced view of the word . This is a doctrinal train wreck that imperils vulnerable saints .  My comments are highlighted in  brackets .  God, please shield and protect my vulnerable brothers and sisters from the evil one in Jesus’ name I pray …  for the devil certainly does not fight fair .

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Three Dreams About Losing Salvation : The Great Falling Away

Three Dreams From the Lord About Losing Salvation and Falling Away .

Three Dreams From the Lord About Losing Salvation , Falling Away
I thought it was old men dream dreams …

These successive, unfolding dreams were given approximately during the first half of 2015 , following my own near – fatal experience in almost falling away .  Christian, be warned and be safe ! One cannot fall away from something that one never had !
Continue reading “Three Dreams About Losing Salvation : The Great Falling Away”


At Risk for Losing Salvation : Deadly Factors

losing salvation by one's own action
Severing one’s own line of salvation . Ok , forget that these are two right hands …

There are a number of factors that can combine together to make losing salvation more possible . The enemy of our soul knows these, and works hard to cultivate such in the lives of Christians .  And then to combine them in the perfect storm to destroy us . Continue reading “At Risk for Losing Salvation : Deadly Factors”
