I crossed the line with God, with one foot only . I learned things in that place . This vessel marred upon the Potter’s wheel , now re – formed to another purpose . I know how the enemy destroys the salvation of the Christian . And the Holy Spirit is still talking . Brothers and Sisters , let’s have a little fire – side chat . I would like to get more detailed about exactly what the sin of willing , overt , unrepentant unforgiveness will do to a christian if carried beyond the grave . But remember, God certainly knows the faithfully struggling saint , struggling in good faith to obey against inhuman things they have suffered, making faithful progress , without being super human themselves . He is not out to ” get us .”
Addendum : I pulled this post down for a couple days because I was hearing from the Lord . I believe that He wants to be sure to emphasize that He does NOT want to lay a spirit of fear or of condemnation on ANY saint . The precise reason why we have His warnings and admonitions in the Word is because He delights in us and is very unwilling that ANY should perish . So, if there is some sweet, sensitive Saint out there who is agonizing over whether they forgave some trifling little thing 30 years ago, let’s pray the following : Father, I come before You in Jesus’ Name . I cannot remember all the times I have hurt others or been hurt by them . But right now, in Jesus’ Name , I categorically and specifically release and forgive any and all who have ever hurt , wronged, offended, embarrased or humiliated me . I pray that those needing it would find Your salvation, and ask that you draw them with cords of love , for you have loved us with an everlasting love . Give them Your Goodness to lead them to repentance, that they may know and love You forever . In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Saints, He loves us more than we know . Please see this post on His Divine Fast for us . God is patient and full of loving kindness . He knows we are but dust . He knows our human frailties . And that we need time to work through being able to forgive . But let us be WILLING to forgive, for none of us was ever wronged like Jesus was wronged on the cross ! God, please give us YOUR strength and Virtue to forgive as You do, in Jesus’ name we pray ! Amen . For none of us knows when we will leave this earth !
A couple weeks ago, I posted about Losing Salvation by Deadly Unforgiveness . After hearing from the Lord – Who is most concerned about this – I also posted Willful Unforgiveness: Rapture Killer for Some , about how Christians holding unforgiveness in refusal to repent will be left on earth at the rapture as an expression of the severe mercy of God . God conveyed that to me on April 4th, 2016 while driving home from work . The following day , April 5th , the Holy Spirit moved upon me at work right in our control room . He gave me to understand the details of why salvation is destroyed for the Christian who carries frank , blatant , overt, unforgiveness beyond the grave .
Christians Taking Willful Unforgiveness Beyond the Grave Blaspheme the Holy Spirit into Eternity , Losing Salvation .
In previous posts above , we have looked at scriptures that reveal that God does not forgive the Christian who himself refuses to forgive . Scriptures like Matt 18 : 21 – 35 , Matt 6 : 12 , Mark 11 : 25 , Luke 6 : 37 – 38 . We have also discussed how the Christian who will not forgive makes himself to be higher than God . Perfect, Holy God was tortured to death on the cross and said ” Father, forgive them .” The unforgiving Christian puts Jesus down in elevating himself . Evidently , it is more of an affront for THAT christian to be wronged than God ! If God were to forgive him anyway, it would validate this lie . And God does not lie .
So, if this christian does not repent and forgive before dying , sealing his testimony , here is what happens to destroy his salvation : In making himself to be higher than God, He puts Christ down . Part of Christ is His Blood . This christian makes the Blood of Christ to be lower than his own . Lower than the blood of a sinner ! Now this christian is in transgression of Hebrews 10 : 26 – 31 . Counting the Blood of Christ to be common or base . By willful, presumptuous, unrepentant unforgiveness . Ruining the Blood for himself and doing spite to the Spirit of Grace . Depreciating the Blood in effect , and by extension , what the Blood bought for him ! That being the agency of the indwelling Holy Spirit ! All while refusing to forgive . Too good to forgive ; better than God, evidently ! Now, this christian has destroyed for himself the Blood of Christ , who will NOT be crucified a second time for him , Heb 6 : 4 – 8 . The Blood being destroyed for this one , now he loses the Seal of the Spirit . The Seal having nothing to adhere to in this individual, now that the Blood no longer functions for this one . He is lost again and beyond the mortal flesh , irredeemable. Unforgivable . He might even have a cross on his tombstone , but he is in hell . Willful , frank , blatant , overt , presumptuous , unrepentant , fuming , flagrant unforgiveness never makes it through the door of heaven in someone who actually did stay saved ! Those ultimately saved carry no such thing in heart !
Brothers and Sisters , let us all forgive . I will not sit in hell even one day for the likes of someone who does hurtful things to another human . Really , are they worth it ? I’m going to make a point of going to heaven . They don’t have to like it if they don’t want to !

I am in a similiar position to you currently. Your post has helped . .. I to can only sleep with medication and have lost all presence of the Holy Spirit. The major difference is that I now have blasphemous spirits in my flesh and chest; it is not just in thought . . . . been like this for about three months . . . only just hanging in . . .
Kerry , I cannot judge your heart . Only God can do that . But I urge you to seek out a good deliverance ministry in your area ASAP and do not listen to any thought or suggestion that you not do this ; for the enemy will try to drive you into a spiritual wilderness and keep you there . The wolves try to separate the saint from the flock . Do not listen . James 4:7 says to submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you . But you flee to Jesus as fast as you can ! Rebuke those blasphemous spirits in Jesus’ name and get thee to church and get help PRONTO !