Three Dreams From the Lord About Losing Salvation and Falling Away .

These successive, unfolding dreams were given approximately during the first half of 2015 , following my own near – fatal experience in almost falling away . Christian, be warned and be safe ! One cannot fall away from something that one never had !
The Great Falling Away is happening even as thousands of others are saved daily . Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision …
Dream 1
Most detail of this dream I did not retain . I only remember that I was viewing fish in water and had a great desire to catch them .
Dream 2
I was in a dark, creepy forest full of spooky looking trees with black, sooty – looking bark . There seemed to be no greenery in the woods . Through this forest flowed a straight stream of beautiful, sparkling – clear, pure water . It was not a torrent ; there was no white water . The water flowed at a good walking pace and was full of big fish, 5 and 6 feet long , all swimming with the current. I was walking down the stream bank in the direction of the current . I had an intense desire to catch these fish ; the urge to catch them was so strong, I could hardly stand it .

Dream 3
I was following the same clear, sparkling pure stream as in Dream 2 . The stream flowed out of the sooty black woods into an open sunny area where it formed a pond of perhaps a few acres . The pond was ringed by living trees and green vegetation . It was like a sanctuary area . There was green water weed like duck weed ringing the pond and extending several feet into the open water . Beyond the water plants was open water , and it was perfectly clear, pure and sparkling . It was the most wonderful, beautiful water . The water was teeming with hundreds of large fish, again 5 to 6 feet long . They were swimming around in leisurely fashion . Again , I had a strong desire to catch these fish . Next, I was down at the far end of the pond , which curved around a gentle bend . There was a narrow outlet flowing out of the pond , only a few feet across . The current was gentle, not fast . About every 3 to 5 seconds , another fish or two would swim out of the pond down this outlet , which extended only a short distance out of sight . The fish were swimming of their own power . Nothing was pushing them into this outlet . There was no vortex or strong current sucking them out this way . They moved of their own accord . The dream ends here .
Interpretation of above dreams :
As weeks passed and I pondered these dreams, The Lord would confirm with His Presence when I thought in the right direction . Any fisherman knows that when you are pulling in a fish on a line , it is not caught until in the boat or pulled safely up on the shore or in a landing net . The Lord has a great desire to catch Christians . That’s right . Because though we are on the line, we are not reeled all the way in yet . There is peril that can potentially sever the line between the Lord and the Christian , resulting in losing salvation and falling away .

The Great Falling Away
Some Christians, ignorantly or not , are severing the line of their own initiative . They may not understand in advance the consequence of their actions . The Lord is not doing this . But there is a slow , continuous holocaust happening in the Church . It is increasing . A persistent trickle of Christians are losing salvation every day, around the clock . Falling away . The fish in the dreams above are Christians . The pure water is the flow of the Spirit of God . The fish leaving the sanctuary pond are leaving Christ . Destroying their own salvation of their own accord . Transgressing Hebrews chapters 6 and 10 . Not foreseeing the consequences . The trickle threatening to become larger due to a very great spirit of offense as the world is crushed into the beast system . Fortunes lost . Lives destroyed . The pond holding several tens of thousands of fish at most, representing the true Church on earth of hundreds of millions . Thus , the trickle losing salvation every day are hundreds , and perhaps a few thousands . It would shock you to know how many . The enemy is so very sneaky, and he plays dirty .
The peril at the end of the age for Christians includes the Hyper – Grace movement coupled with ignorance , the ” once saved, always saved ” mindset and the spirit of offense . Remember that Jesus said that many would be offended in Matt 24 :10. And that He sent word to John the Baptist in Luke 7: 23, “And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me .” Not just those that are not His . Anyone . Too much wounding , too many goadings by the enemy , too many set – backs and exasperations , too much torment for too many years, and one ignorantly or not says something inadvisable to Jesus . Someone who has tasted the miracle gifts of heaven . And one has performed a spiritual abortion on himself with his own tongue , losing salvation . Falling away . Life and death are in the power of the tongue . Doing spite to the Spirit of Grace . Counting The Blood as common. Or , rejecting Christ through shipwreck of faith leading to unbelief . Or rejecting Christ to return to carnality ! A hard departure giving one’s heart back to sin ! Or the direct blasphemy of the Spirit . Or taking defiant unforgivness beyond the grave !
The Church needs rear guard , rear – wall Watchmen in this last hour . Packs of roving enemy wolves are ripping vulnerable sheep out the back door of the Church every day . Almost nobody will talk about it . Most do not understand , or are deceived by the false doctrine of Once saved, Always Saved / Hyper -Grace. Not just back – sliding . But the immolation of Saints undone , become lost again, irredeemable as the devil himself . Falling away . The time is now to shine the light upon the enemy . Whoever, having tasted the gifts of heaven, crosses the line with both feet is lost forever . Whoever says the inadvisable with his mouth, and really meant it in his heart of hearts will burn . The one who crossed the line with one foot only may be recoverable , to warn the sheep of the great pruning. The great severance that Saints of God are doing to themselves . That the enemy wolves try to goad them into … far worse than just back – sliding . It’s happening . Some are losing salvation .
Thus , the strong desire to catch the fish in the three dreams above . That they are in the pure flow of the clear water is to show that they are in Christ . And Christ has a strong desire to catch them ALL the way !

Rom 5:10 ” We were reconciled to God by the death of His Son. ” We were saved .
Eph 2:5 ” … by grace ye are saved .” We are saved .
Rom 5:10 ” … we shall be saved by His Life .” We shall be saved .
Until we stand before HIM , we are not caught all the way yet !