Sheep’s Blood on Shepherd’s Hands : The Bema Perspective

I didn’t just read some books on either side of an issue and form an opinion .  I almost went to hell. Satan is recruiting shepherds for assisted suicide jobs all over the church , and a shepherd’s hands can become covered with sheep’s blood .  And the assisting shepherd really need not do anything …

Copyright: <a href=''>mylisa / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
Shepherd , How Did You Get Sheep’s Blood on Your Hands ?

Satan loves killing sin unto eternal death ;  spiritual abortion , spiritual suicide , and severance of proper spiritual headship.  He is a decapitator .  Now, he just wants a managing editor position in the doctrine of your church . Binding Holy Spirit instead of binding satan will make that much more likely , as Jesus said that the Spirit would lead us into all truth . And the time has come when men will not endure sound doctrine , but seek teachers to tickle their ears …

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