Christians and Killing Sin Unto Death : Several Pathways

I was raised in a denomination that routinely teaches Once Saved , Always Saved ( OSAS ) .  I believed it for many years .  And then I almost went to hell .  How can we summarize the several ways that a Christian really could  destroy their own salvation process by sin unto death if unwise or deceived ?  Our entire being is not completely saved until we stand before Him !  God cannot give His grace in any circumstance that would require Him to become a liar to do so !

Avoiding Sin Unto Death
Turn Neither Left Nor Right


We were saved in our spirits . We are being saved in our souls . We shall be saved in our bodies . We shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is !  ( 1 John 3:2 )  Once a Saint realizes that OSAS rationales all fail the hamartiology  ( Study of Sin )  test ,  how can we simplify killing sin unto death ? The wages of sin are death , and the Saint who profanes The Blood from the heart loses access to that Blood . The seal of the Spirit cannot function in an individual who is no longer eligible for The Blood .  I will refer the reader to other posts on this blog for details .  Clarity in hamartiology  ( sin typology )  is best realized in properly balancing 1 John 5:16

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Nearly Losing Salvation : Warning to the Misinformed

I Think I Lost My Salvation

Nearly Losing Salvation :  Fear of the Lord Preferable to the Terror of the Lord

Spring, 2015

I have a responsibility to tell this if any would listen. I have no right not to try . First, let me say that Jesus is my Lord and Savior . That He is my God and that I am of the born – again, evangelical Christian faith , indwelt by the Holy Spirit . But not with so much of His Presence as I once had . For I have damaged that fine and wonderful state. Happily , I am being restored after several horrifying months , nearly losing salvation .

Nearly Losing Salvation
Salvation’s last thread

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Restoring Salvation : Aid for the Near Loss of Salvation

In peril of losing all
In peril of losing all

People who get to the point of being within a hair’s breadth of losing salvation will know soon that something is horribly wrong .  Worse for those who really lose it all the way . Losing Holy Spirit will bring a Saint to a loss of status and the exact point of Hebrews 10: 27 – 28 . I want to point out that in my own situation,  the real trauma happened after I read up on scripture and realized what I had done .  There followed months of horrific spiritual and emotional distress .  I had no assurance whatsoever that I would be restored .  And yet, by the grace of God , it happened . I had left God only the most minimal room to restore me .   I am still convinced over a year later that if I had died during this time, I would be in hell .  The following are some pointers that helped me in restoring salvation : Continue reading “Restoring Salvation : Aid for the Near Loss of Salvation”


Unforgiveness and Blaspheming the Holy Spirit Beyond the Grave

Those who Blaspheme the Holy Spirit
Those who Blaspheme the Holy Spirit

I crossed the line with God, with one foot only .  I learned things in that place .  This vessel marred upon the Potter’s wheel , now re – formed to another purpose .  I know how the enemy destroys the salvation of the Christian .  And the Holy Spirit is still talking .  Brothers and Sisters , let’s have a little fire – side chat .  I would like to get more detailed about exactly what the sin of willing , overt , unrepentant unforgiveness will do to a christian if carried beyond the grave .  But remember, God certainly knows the faithfully struggling saint , struggling in good faith to obey against inhuman things they have suffered, making faithful progress ,  without being super human themselves . He is not out to ” get us .”

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A Quick Proof that Losing Salvation is Possible

Almost Losing Salvation
At end of salvation’s rope


For those Christians who believe that losing salvation is impossible , consider this :  If a Christian cannot use their free will to quit their faith , then remaining a Christian is compulsory upon conversion . The free will would cease to exist .  If that is so, then how can one be accountable for any sin ?  There are even Christians who believe that they can no longer really sin .  They point to the following scripture :

Continue reading “A Quick Proof that Losing Salvation is Possible”


Willful Unforgiveness: Rapture Killer For Some

Left Behind at Rapture
Left Behind at Rapture

Shortly after writing the post on  Losing Salvation by Deadly Unforgiveness , I had occasion to ponder more deeply some aspects of that writing .  Guess who showed up ?  Holy Spirit .  Driving home from work on April 4th , I had a time with Him right in the car .  Much as when pondering the three dreams that He gave me about losing salvation – also when driving ! –  He again confirmed with His Presence when I thought in the right direction .  And it could not have been more timely ! For this insight involves what can keep a saint on the ground at the rapture !  At the moment that you leave your earthly body, the condition of your heart is very important, for you have then sealed your testimony ! Continue reading “Willful Unforgiveness: Rapture Killer For Some”


Clarity on Suicide from the Original Suicide

Suicide is increasing .  And from the demonic perspective , it is the ultimate act of vandalism upon humans .  There is little doubt that as the times get darker and evil increases on earth , that suicide increases as well .  Whether done quickly , or over a whole lifetime , suicide origins and ideations are demonic and one must not take ownership of this mindset or impulse .  How can we get clarity on suicide ?  By looking at the original suicide !  The day that Lucifer decapitated  himself !

Shut Down Suicide
Let’s Stop Suicide Together

You see , Lucifer seized HEADSHIP  over his own life and being , and in doing so , his actions said  ” I am God over myself ! ”  He willfully and from the heart cut off God as his proper Headship .  For , in the last analysis , willful , deliberate suicide is a LIE  !

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Three Dreams About Losing Salvation : The Great Falling Away

Three Dreams From the Lord About Losing Salvation and Falling Away .

Three Dreams From the Lord About Losing Salvation , Falling Away
I thought it was old men dream dreams …

These successive, unfolding dreams were given approximately during the first half of 2015 , following my own near – fatal experience in almost falling away .  Christian, be warned and be safe ! One cannot fall away from something that one never had !
Continue reading “Three Dreams About Losing Salvation : The Great Falling Away”


At Risk for Losing Salvation : Deadly Factors

losing salvation by one's own action
Severing one’s own line of salvation . Ok , forget that these are two right hands …

There are a number of factors that can combine together to make losing salvation more possible . The enemy of our soul knows these, and works hard to cultivate such in the lives of Christians .  And then to combine them in the perfect storm to destroy us . Continue reading “At Risk for Losing Salvation : Deadly Factors”


Select Video Links About False / Hyper Grace Error ; View With Discernment

The following are video links referenced for general information .  View with discernment, balancing the whole word of God .

Video Links
Video Links

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