There Once Was a Crocodile : When Dragons Take to Water

Herd animals can be taken by the crocodile at the watering hole …

Watching for a Crocodile
Wary at the Watering Hole

Thank You Holy Spirit for this Idea ; Frankly I am not that good …

You’ve seen it before ; the African nature program showing herd animals coming to drink at a water hole .  The young ones especially  trot right down to the water.  The older animals often approach more warily . The next thing you know , a crocodile has one by the neck , aided by concealment in stained , muddy water .  Actually , something like this happens in church too often these days !  I’ve stepped in this !  For the church is our watering hole ,  and false doctrine is muddying the waters . Not Holy Spirit water ; but the water of the Word !   The kind of crocodiles I’m talking about – demons – love this particular kind of  set – up !

ADDENDUM 9/17/17

I have stirred things up .  Since publishing this post , the attacks of the enemy have increased . In a word , the warfare has been vicious . It looks like crocodile does not like being exposed and poked in the eye !  More prayer . More armor . More angels . Praise God . Please pray for me . Thanks .

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