A Quick Proof that Losing Salvation is Possible

Almost Losing Salvation
At end of salvation’s rope


For those Christians who believe that losing salvation is impossible , consider this :  If a Christian cannot use their free will to quit their faith , then remaining a Christian is compulsory upon conversion . The free will would cease to exist .  If that is so, then how can one be accountable for any sin ?  There are even Christians who believe that they can no longer really sin .  They point to the following scripture :

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When Satan Comes to You with O.S.A.S.

Satan quotes some scripture , too .

Satan Promotes OSAS Deception
When Satan Deals the Word

The perilous times we live in include the peril of satanic attack via the misuse of the Word of God . The selective , short – sampling of scripture can defeat proper circumspection and proper balance of the whole counsel of God .  Satan uses this type of attack to contribute vastly to the Great Falling Away .  Earlier this week , I was at church , and Pastor was preaching straightness from Matthew  4 . And Holy Spirit was surfing on the message right then, more than Pastor knew at the time … Continue reading “When Satan Comes to You with O.S.A.S.”


OSAS Train Wreck on a Popular Rapture Website

The OSAS Train Wreck
The OSAS Train Wreck

Recently, there have been a couple posts at a popular rapture website that show the degree of OSAS blindness and deafness to the circumspect, balanced view of the word . This is a doctrinal train wreck that imperils vulnerable saints .  My comments are highlighted in  brackets .  God, please shield and protect my vulnerable brothers and sisters from the evil one in Jesus’ name I pray …  for the devil certainly does not fight fair .

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Esau in Hebrews Refutes Infinite Grace

Esau failed grace for a bowl of pottage

There is a passage in Hebrews 12  that Christians can consider to see more clearly the resolution of the hyper grace notion of infinite grace .  Is it not curious that God would bring old – covenant failure Esau , who never had the Blood , into the new testament for our edification ?

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Paul’s Fellow Laborer Demas Losing Salvation

Demas has forsaken me
Walking Away From It All

It is amazing to think that one who had been with the Apostle Paul and was counted as his fellow laborer could fall away .  But that seems to be the case of Demas , whom Paul knew while in prison . Surely , there would have been salvations and miracles witnessed .  Deliverances , and bondages broken for many  .  So, what happened with Demas ?

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Losing Salvation and the Admonition of James 5 : 19 – 20

Admonition against Ignorance
Walking in Ignorance of the Word

There is an admonition in James chapter 5 that leaves me wondering how anyone could think that OSAS is true .  We must balance scripture and rightly divide the Word !  In looking at scriptures that guarantee salvation versus scriptures that warn of losing salvation , the balance point is the God – given , free human will .

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Judging Another’s Salvation on Twitter Vs. Losing Salvation

Judging Another's Salvation is Best Left to God
Judgment Skewed in Judging

From a recent exchange I had on Twitter judging me :


Him :   False teacher alert  ( A Brother’s notification he placed on my Twitter account ).


Me :   Have you read my blog ? Try reading it before judging . From where I have been, I know too well what I am talking about . I was under informed , too.


Him :   Feeling guilty eh lol anyone that believes they can lose their salvation IS NOT saved in the first place. ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved’ refute that!


Well, let’s talk about a few things … judging and judgment and salvation …

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Three Dreams About Losing Salvation : The Great Falling Away

Three Dreams From the Lord About Losing Salvation and Falling Away .

Three Dreams From the Lord About Losing Salvation , Falling Away
I thought it was old men dream dreams …

These successive, unfolding dreams were given approximately during the first half of 2015 , following my own near – fatal experience in almost falling away .  Christian, be warned and be safe ! One cannot fall away from something that one never had !
Continue reading “Three Dreams About Losing Salvation : The Great Falling Away”


At Risk for Losing Salvation : Deadly Factors

losing salvation by one's own action
Severing one’s own line of salvation . Ok , forget that these are two right hands …

There are a number of factors that can combine together to make losing salvation more possible . The enemy of our soul knows these, and works hard to cultivate such in the lives of Christians .  And then to combine them in the perfect storm to destroy us . Continue reading “At Risk for Losing Salvation : Deadly Factors”
