Keep telling others about this blog ! You will save lives ! Rob the Jaws of HELL !
Hi , folks . I almost burned . After knowing the Lord about 40 years , I made almost the worst mis – step anyone ever could . Double – minded , ignorant , and hanging on to a spirit of offense , I lost the Holy Spirit for 4 months of horror . My testimony is at the bottom of this page . May I tell you that Saints speak a half – truth when some say that ” with God , sin is sin “. Yes , sin really IS sin . But to say it as though all sin reduces down to the same , rotten sludge is pure demon dribble . I found out the HARD WAY that there is a proper typology to sin. That salvation can be destroyed by a Saint. That there are risk factors . We have free will ! Or else we bear NO responsibility for our sin . There is a type of sin , even for Saints , that puts God in a bind where He can only judge ! Read herein to explore just what exactly accounts for this dynamic . Those who know definitely that they have lost Holy Spirit should look here for restoration advice . I learned the HARD WAY by getting ONE FOOT ONLY over the line with God . I said something unwise that was NOT actually my heart . If it had been my heart , I would be in hell now . The hope is that others with risk factors and vulnerabilities can be alerted before they are enticed, deceived , or goaded by the devil into destroying themselves. There is NO place for a spirit of fear or condemnation in the life of an abiding child of God . Rather , God wants us EDUCATED and He wants us SAFE , because he wants us FOREVER ! We must overcome the potential for commission of unforgivable sin ; it does not require so much as lifting a finger ! NOT salvation by works , but proper , responsible , informed use of free human will ! For even Adam in his original perfection had responsibility in the garden of eden in Genesis 2:15 ! It’s time for any interested to know all about …
The Quiet Holocaust in the Church

Let’s get busy plugging the horrific hole in the back of the church . Repair the breach ! The hour is desperately late ; the losses are breath – taking . Warn, educate, alert, edify, and fortify the saints . Amen .

It is refreshing to see someone step up and tell the truth, I am frustrated with preachers who are more concerned with their church membership numbers and the collection plates than preaching a balanced Gospel message and the unadulterated Word of God. We must get Gods children ready for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, they must have their robes to get in. Gods children are still taking milk when they should be eating meat by now. A lot of them really do not know who God is yet and at the rate they are going they will be lambs for the rest of their life.- Robert
Yes , Pastor . Our God is the most amazing , loving and generous God ; Who has given ALL of His Blood for us . But there is a type of sin that puts God down below a sinner ; this is a lying notion that God has no choice but to judge as He cannot deny Himself . Those saints who forsake Christ for carnality , believing they cannot lose salvation , will find that they cannot profane the Lord through the gates of Heaven ! Salvation comes down from on high , WAY HIGH ! God reaches down , WAY DOWN to save us so tenderly and lovingly ! My point is that for those saints who put God down via rejection through offense , carnality or unbelief will find that salvation DOES NOT come up from below the level of a sinner ! So too for those saints who blaspheme the Spirit directly or carry deliberate , defiant unforgiveness beyond mortal flesh ! And I do not wish to be the ” Technical Christian ” who accepts Christ because he does not want to burn , but has NO HEART for God and NO wedding garment of praise and gratitude for Him ! Our God is the MOST WONDERFUL Daddy , but He is also a consuming fire ! Maranatha , Steve .
Im twenty years old and I was saved in late February of this year Before I was saved I really struggled with pornogrophy. Whenever I was born again it was the greatest experience I ever had when the Holy Spirit came in me and I didn’t have the lust full feeling or thoughts anymore. For the first few weeks I went to my grandparents ever weekend to learn more about the Word. But I was having some sickness issues as well. I ended up not really finding a church to go though. The first couple months were awesome because I was reading my Bible and just learning more. But then in April I started to watch porn and masturbait again. I was doing it every few days I didn’t realize how bad sexual sinning really was. And then I got to the point where I started doing it every day and then I eventually didn’t feel the Holy Spirit’s presence at all. I lost my salvation and I can’t sleep now hardly at all. My memory has been horrible. By the time I read the verses in Hebrews 6 and 10 it was already too late. I can’t believe I lost my salvation to a five second orgasm. But I thought maybe there was a chance whenver I read James 5:19 5:20. But I do not think that its for someone that loses salvation. Once the Holy Spirit leaves I do not think it can come back.
Hi, Zach. I think you are much too quick to jump to the conclusion that you have lost it all ! You initiated the salvation process less than 6 months ago; know that one of the devil’s favorite tricks is to get a saint who is young in the Lord to backslide, then inflict torment with ideas of damnation. Sure enough, God is serious about sin. But backsliding can take a saint to a place of spiritual coldness and hardening where the Presence of God is not felt. You can’t just go by your feelings ! God alone is Judge, but at your level of awareness and corresponding accountability, it seems overwhelmingly probable that you have gotten yourself appreciably backslidden. The remedy is to repent earnestly; seek the Lord with your whole heart. Step up your devotional life; get a solid, mature Christian accountability / prayer partner(s). Get in a good church that preaches balanced truth and does not just tickle ears. List the positives in your life and praise and thank God for some of them daily ! Especially for He Himself! Fight for the finish line, never quit Jesus for ANYTHING ! Nothing in this world is worth perishing for to lose Christ who gives love better than life ! See the blog post about restoring salvation as it is good prevention to be soberly on guard for your soul ! He who endures to the end shall be saved. Author.