There is an OSAS ( Once Saved , Always Saved ) rendering of the allegory of the Vine and the branches that could just as easily come straight from the serpent’s mouth . Lie begets lie !
The Vine and the Branches
What kind of Satanic poison can we find in this false rendering when we shine the Word of God through it ? Are there any inclusions in this devilish gem ! ? You better believe it !!!
Nearly Losing Salvation : Fear of the Lord Preferable to the Terror of the Lord
Spring, 2015
I have a responsibility to tell this if any would listen. I have no right not to try . First, let me say that Jesus is my Lord and Savior . That He is my God and that I am of the born – again, evangelical Christian faith , indwelt by the Holy Spirit . But not with so much of His Presence as I once had . For I have damaged that fine and wonderful state. Happily , I am being restored after several horrifying months , nearly losing salvation .
For those Christians who believe that losing salvation is impossible , consider this : If a Christian cannot use their free will to quit their faith , then remaining a Christian is compulsory upon conversion . The free will would cease to exist . If that is so, then how can one be accountable for any sin ? There are even Christians who believe that they can no longer really sin . They point to the following scripture :
Today I continue the contrast of OSAS / Once Saved, Always Saved / eternal security with the scriptural truth of Conditional Security dependent upon responsible exercise of free will . This post likely to be expanded and refined, perhaps with a ” Part Two . ”
We begin with 1 Peter 2 : 1 – 5 :
The Living Stone and the Holy Nation
” Therefore put away all wickedness, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking. 2 As newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow, 3 if it is true that you have experienced that the Lord is good.
4 Coming to Him as to a living stone who is rejected by men, but chosen by God and precious, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house as a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. “
I was an ignorant and offended , double – minded type of living stone . Four months of horror with one leg thrown over the figurative rim of hell fixed all of that for me ! And it gave me the motivation to protect my brothers and sisters , preserve my Father’s children , and dig in scripture as never before , keen to pick up on what God was showing me … that common OSAS rationales simply do not address the issue of Hamartiology – study of sin – that accounts for Saints losing salvation . Hard to know for living stones that keep skimming the surface of the Word ; or those motivated NOT to see ; deceived by false doctrine, inattentive , un – circumspect or not balancing the whole counsel of God.
The perilous times we live in include the peril of satanic attack via the misuse of the Word of God . The selective , short – sampling of scripture can defeat proper circumspection and proper balance of the whole counsel of God . Satan uses this type of attack to contribute vastly to the Great Falling Away . Earlier this week , I was at church , and Pastor was preaching straightness from Matthew 4 . And Holy Spirit was surfing on the message right then, more than Pastor knew at the time … Continue reading “When Satan Comes to You with O.S.A.S.”→
Recently, there have been a couple posts at a popular rapture website that show the degree of OSAS blindness and deafness to the circumspect, balanced view of the word . This is a doctrinal train wreck that imperils vulnerable saints . My comments are highlighted in brackets . God, please shield and protect my vulnerable brothers and sisters from the evil one in Jesus’ name I pray … for the devil certainly does not fight fair .
There is an admonition in James chapter 5 that leaves me wondering how anyone could think that OSAS is true . We must balance scripture and rightly divide the Word ! In looking at scriptures that guarantee salvation versus scriptures that warn of losing salvation , the balance point is the God – given , free human will .
How do you take your comfort ? Stirred , Shaken , Straight , or Slanted ? I like mine straight or stirred . I don’t care for slanted . I might take a tumble , then I would be shaken ! Jesus went back up to heaven so that He could send us the Comforter . The Holy Spirit living in us .
Severing one’s own line of salvation . Ok , forget that these are two right hands …
There are a number of factors that can combine together to make losing salvation more possible . The enemy of our soul knows these, and works hard to cultivate such in the lives of Christians . And then to combine them in the perfect storm to destroy us . Continue reading “At Risk for Losing Salvation : Deadly Factors”→
The following link goes to the blog , ” Porridge for the Soul “, by Dr . Poh Ann Lim , Medical Doctor and former editor of Asian Beacon magazine , current contributor to Christianity Malaysia website. Dr. Lim writes capably and compellingly about losing salvation, as well as the errors of once saved, always saved ( OSAS ) , hyper grace , and Future Sins Automatically Forgiven ( FSAF ) .