The Letter to the Church at Laodicea has a Right – Now clue for establishing our hearts for the Lord at His coming . And to guard against being left out of His Kingdom as the careless Laodicean .
Continue reading “Losing Salvation Laodicean Style”

The Letter to the Church at Laodicea has a Right – Now clue for establishing our hearts for the Lord at His coming . And to guard against being left out of His Kingdom as the careless Laodicean .
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There is an admonition in James chapter 5 that leaves me wondering how anyone could think that OSAS is true . We must balance scripture and rightly divide the Word ! In looking at scriptures that guarantee salvation versus scriptures that warn of losing salvation , the balance point is the God – given , free human will .
Continue reading “Losing Salvation and the Admonition of James 5 : 19 – 20”
From a recent exchange I had on Twitter judging me :
Him : False teacher alert ( A Brother’s notification he placed on my Twitter account ).
Me : Have you read my blog ? Try reading it before judging . From where I have been, I know too well what I am talking about . I was under informed , too.
Him : Feeling guilty eh lol anyone that believes they can lose their salvation IS NOT saved in the first place. ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved’ refute that!
Well, let’s talk about a few things … judging and judgment and salvation …
Continue reading “Judging Another’s Salvation on Twitter Vs. Losing Salvation”
Three Dreams From the Lord About Losing Salvation and Falling Away .
These successive, unfolding dreams were given approximately during the first half of 2015 , following my own near – fatal experience in almost falling away . Christian, be warned and be safe ! One cannot fall away from something that one never had !
Continue reading “Three Dreams About Losing Salvation : The Great Falling Away”
There are a number of factors that can combine together to make losing salvation more possible . The enemy of our soul knows these, and works hard to cultivate such in the lives of Christians . And then to combine them in the perfect storm to destroy us . Continue reading “At Risk for Losing Salvation : Deadly Factors”
Unforgiveness stands out as a means that could cause a christian to lose salvation . Let us consider the following scripture :
Continue reading “Losing Salvation by Deadly Unforgiveness”
The following link goes to the blog , ” Porridge for the Soul “, by Dr . Poh Ann Lim , Medical Doctor and former editor of Asian Beacon magazine , current contributor to Christianity Malaysia website. Dr. Lim writes capably and compellingly about losing salvation, as well as the errors of once saved, always saved ( OSAS ) , hyper grace , and Future Sins Automatically Forgiven ( FSAF ) .
Some select articles of interest by Dr. Lim are linked as follows :
http://bit.ly/GM5Srz Saved and Secure ?
http://bit.ly/18wc9Rb Are Future Sins Automatically Forgiven ?
http://bit.ly/1d0B0M3 Free From the Law ?
The following are video links referenced for general information . View with discernment, balancing the whole word of God .
Continue reading “Select Video Links About False / Hyper Grace Error ; View With Discernment”
The following helpful article links are provided :