Restoring Salvation : Aid for the Near Loss of Salvation

In peril of losing all
In peril of losing all

People who get to the point of being within a hair’s breadth of losing salvation will know soon that something is horribly wrong .  Worse for those who really lose it all the way . Losing Holy Spirit will bring a Saint to a loss of status and the exact point of Hebrews 10: 27 – 28 . I want to point out that in my own situation,  the real trauma happened after I read up on scripture and realized what I had done .  There followed months of horrific spiritual and emotional distress .  I had no assurance whatsoever that I would be restored .  And yet, by the grace of God , it happened . I had left God only the most minimal room to restore me .   I am still convinced over a year later that if I had died during this time, I would be in hell .  The following are some pointers that helped me in restoring salvation : Continue reading “Restoring Salvation : Aid for the Near Loss of Salvation”


Unforgiveness and Blaspheming the Holy Spirit Beyond the Grave

Those who Blaspheme the Holy Spirit
Those who Blaspheme the Holy Spirit

I crossed the line with God, with one foot only .  I learned things in that place .  This vessel marred upon the Potter’s wheel , now re – formed to another purpose .  I know how the enemy destroys the salvation of the Christian .  And the Holy Spirit is still talking .  Brothers and Sisters , let’s have a little fire – side chat .  I would like to get more detailed about exactly what the sin of willing , overt , unrepentant unforgiveness will do to a christian if carried beyond the grave .  But remember, God certainly knows the faithfully struggling saint , struggling in good faith to obey against inhuman things they have suffered, making faithful progress ,  without being super human themselves . He is not out to ” get us .”

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A Quick Proof that Losing Salvation is Possible

Almost Losing Salvation
At end of salvation’s rope


For those Christians who believe that losing salvation is impossible , consider this :  If a Christian cannot use their free will to quit their faith , then remaining a Christian is compulsory upon conversion . The free will would cease to exist .  If that is so, then how can one be accountable for any sin ?  There are even Christians who believe that they can no longer really sin .  They point to the following scripture :

Continue reading “A Quick Proof that Losing Salvation is Possible”


Willful Unforgiveness: Rapture Killer For Some

Left Behind at Rapture
Left Behind at Rapture

Shortly after writing the post on  Losing Salvation by Deadly Unforgiveness , I had occasion to ponder more deeply some aspects of that writing .  Guess who showed up ?  Holy Spirit .  Driving home from work on April 4th , I had a time with Him right in the car .  Much as when pondering the three dreams that He gave me about losing salvation – also when driving ! –  He again confirmed with His Presence when I thought in the right direction .  And it could not have been more timely ! For this insight involves what can keep a saint on the ground at the rapture !  At the moment that you leave your earthly body, the condition of your heart is very important, for you have then sealed your testimony ! Continue reading “Willful Unforgiveness: Rapture Killer For Some”


The Irrelevance of Common OSAS Rationales



What Kind of Living Stone Are You ?
What Kind of a Living Stone Are You ?

Today I continue the contrast of OSAS / Once Saved, Always Saved / eternal security with the scriptural truth of Conditional Security dependent upon responsible exercise of free will .  This post likely to be expanded and refined, perhaps with a ” Part Two . ”

We begin with 1 Peter 2 : 1 – 5 :

The Living Stone and the Holy Nation

  ” Therefore put away all wickedness, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking. As newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow, if it is true that you have experienced that the Lord is good.

Coming to Him as to a living stone who is rejected by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house as a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. “


I was an ignorant and offended , double – minded type of living stone .  Four months of horror with one leg thrown over the figurative rim of hell fixed all of that for me !  And it gave me the motivation to protect my brothers and sisters , preserve my Father’s children , and dig in scripture as never before , keen to pick up on what God was showing me …  that common OSAS rationales simply do not address the issue of Hamartiology – study of sin –  that accounts for Saints losing salvation .  Hard to know for living stones that keep skimming the surface of the Word ; or those motivated NOT  to see ; deceived by false doctrine, inattentive , un – circumspect or not balancing the whole counsel of God.

Continue reading “The Irrelevance of Common OSAS Rationales”


When Satan Comes to You with O.S.A.S.

Satan quotes some scripture , too .

Satan Promotes OSAS Deception
When Satan Deals the Word

The perilous times we live in include the peril of satanic attack via the misuse of the Word of God . The selective , short – sampling of scripture can defeat proper circumspection and proper balance of the whole counsel of God .  Satan uses this type of attack to contribute vastly to the Great Falling Away .  Earlier this week , I was at church , and Pastor was preaching straightness from Matthew  4 . And Holy Spirit was surfing on the message right then, more than Pastor knew at the time … Continue reading “When Satan Comes to You with O.S.A.S.”


Clarity on Suicide from the Original Suicide

Suicide is increasing .  And from the demonic perspective , it is the ultimate act of vandalism upon humans .  There is little doubt that as the times get darker and evil increases on earth , that suicide increases as well .  Whether done quickly , or over a whole lifetime , suicide origins and ideations are demonic and one must not take ownership of this mindset or impulse .  How can we get clarity on suicide ?  By looking at the original suicide !  The day that Lucifer decapitated  himself !

Shut Down Suicide
Let’s Stop Suicide Together

You see , Lucifer seized HEADSHIP  over his own life and being , and in doing so , his actions said  ” I am God over myself ! ”  He willfully and from the heart cut off God as his proper Headship .  For , in the last analysis , willful , deliberate suicide is a LIE  !

Continue reading “Clarity on Suicide from the Original Suicide”


Delivering Devotional Dynamite : He Re-Capitates the Decapitated

We Were All Decapitated in Adam
Two Types of Decapitation

Did you ever consider that every human being you have seen has been decapitated ?  It’s true .  We were all cut off from our proper spiritual headship in Adam and Eve !  For there is more than one perspective on headship , capitation , and decapitation !  And then there is what Jesus does for saints :  to restore the proper headship of God to us !  You could even say that …

Jesus Recapitates the Decapitated !

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OSAS Train Wreck on a Popular Rapture Website

The OSAS Train Wreck
The OSAS Train Wreck

Recently, there have been a couple posts at a popular rapture website that show the degree of OSAS blindness and deafness to the circumspect, balanced view of the word . This is a doctrinal train wreck that imperils vulnerable saints .  My comments are highlighted in  brackets .  God, please shield and protect my vulnerable brothers and sisters from the evil one in Jesus’ name I pray …  for the devil certainly does not fight fair .

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Defense Against Losing Salvation: Deploying Devotional Dynamite

The peril of potential loss of salvation involves a battle for the mind . Education is an important countermeasure , to learn the truth of the Word and the Mind of Christ , as well as to expose false doctrine and outright lies of Satan .  But for the offended saint , double – minded , wounded and resentful of life and perhaps of God Himself, it is crucial to appreciate the richness of the salvation transaction at a devotional depth that compels one’s free will to choose fidelity towards Christ . Time for a devotional upgrade !

Devotional Upgrade
I adore you, Lord !

Continue reading “Defense Against Losing Salvation: Deploying Devotional Dynamite”
